Crew Brazilian Curiosa

Roy Masin

Ever since his childhood, Roy’s been surrounded by stones. However his real passion for the job gradually hatched after he took over the business in 1982.

His constant search for these beautiful treasures of the earth, has brought him to the most amazing places around the globe and led to many memorable encounters with special people.

And whilst on the subject; Roy’s proud to have some of these people on his team.

Peter van Elswijk

Peter has worked with Roy since the end of 1992. Always smiling and full of energy, Peter creates the highly appreciated working atmosphere in which he cares for all of the visitors and makes sure they all leave with a smile on their face. Peter not only radiates his knowledge and passion for stones, but also writes poems and has had eight bundles published. His motto: "Who has a heart for stones, does not have a heart of stone”, has become famous in stone country.

Sagaro van Elswijk

Sagaro joined the team in 1999. Starting out as the technical expert, Sagaro has over the ensuing years become the man who does everything and all this with notable joy. His love for stones and know-how of our stock makes him a great help to our clients and his collegues.
Sagaro and his father Peter, with their complementary qualities, work perfectly and joyfully together.

Ada Doppenberg

Ada takes care of almost all the office work of our company since 1995. Efficient and reliable, Ada patiently watches over the precious link between practice and paper. Although mostly active backstage, Ada is highly appreciated by all of the team, the suppliers and the clients.

Ed Pieters

Ed was welcomed with open arms in December 2012 when we drastically needed help getting the gallery ready for the opening and then – fortunately – he never left! Known for his passion, “thunder eggs” Ed helps us on a regular basis, in both practical and strategic matters.

Max Masin

Max joined our team in October 2015 and is responsible for our online activities, event policy and for realizing new ideas in general. Besides the fact that having such a youngster on board lead to lots of fun and teasing, his contribution to the company’s wellbeing is greatly appreciated and Max has proven to be efficient and effective in the short time he has been with us.